This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective users might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your django, programming, python, blogging and wordpress, etc. Check out the examples below.
Why we should use Django For Web Development?
Django is ORM based Web Development framework that is used to develop dynamic website like Instagram, dropbox, etc. Best Part of Django, it is written in Python language. Here, you don’t need to worry about management of database because few lines of codes will do it for in Django.
Which one is best Blogger or WordPress?
It’s depends on your level. According to me, If you just entered in this blogging field then I will suggest you to go with blogger and get some practical experience over there. But If you can afford to pay amount for Hosting and Domain service then you should definitely go with WordPress.
What we can build with Python?
According to stats, which shows Python is one of the most widely accepted and popular language of today era. Because it’s a simple and easy to use but powerful in the same time. There are various field that you can explore with the python e.g Web Development, AI and Machine Learning, Apps Development, Etc